Monday, May 24, 2010

Iron Man 2

Sorry about the lack of updates, but to be straight up, I haven't really seen any new movies lately. This has put my "best of 2009" on hold (until I can see Hurt Locker, Crazy Heart, and Blind Side).

However, this last Sunday, I did catch Iron Man 2. So some quick thoughts...

Good, light hearted fun, most of the cast having a good time, Downey Jr., Paltrow, and Favreau had some cute, fun chemistry. Overall the mood was a lighter one than the last Iron Man (no grungy terrorist camp or torture here). The subplot of Tony being an alcoholic was touched on several times, but sort of glossed over, and the resolution of the subplot about Tony's illness was wrapped up a bit neatly. The action scenes while explosive and vivid don't really have the oomph of the earlier Marvel movies, lacking the kinetic energy of the Doc Octopus subway fight from Spiderman 2, the intensity of the X-Mansion invasion from X-Men 2, or the pure ferocity/power of the last fight from the Incredible Hulk.

Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer stole the movie for me. Taking an established comics character who was the elderly mob weapons designer for the Kingpin, the Maggia, and HYDRA in the Marvel comics continuity and turning him into a less successful Tony Stark was brilliant. Director Jon Favreau brilliantly utilizing Rockwell's natural comedic talents without getting too campy (Jim Carrey's Riddler comes to mind, come to think of it, I'd like to see Rockwell play the Riddler himself in the next Batman movie).

Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko/Whiplash... Well.. I do love Rourke most of the time, especially recently in The Wrestler and Killshot. The crazy Russian Vanko just doesn't completely work for me, with his goofy tattoos and metal teeth, weird obsession with a cockatoo, and silly accent... He lacks the menace of Obadiah Stane from Iron Man 1. This is odd because Stane was played by Jeff "The Dude" Bridges while Rourke has made a recent career of playing bad asses like Marv from Sin City. I think it has to do with the writing and that for the most part, Vanko doesn't directly interact with Iron Man that much.

Also, in the comics, Vanko was the Crimson Dynamo, not Whiplash! I know Iron Man's rogue's gallery isn't that well known by the general public, but this would be the equivalent of having Norman Osborn from the first Spiderman turn into the Scorpion instead of the Green Goblin... I guess the creators didn't want to have Iron Man fight another "big dude in a suit of armor" after Iron Monger from the first movie, but then don't use the character of the Dynamo. Its also strange because Whiplash isn't really much of a match for Iron Man straight up, not to mention War Machine... whereas Crimson Dynamo at least in the comics was a bit more formidable.

Don Cheadle did a fine job as James Rhodes/War Machine. In both movies, Rhodes doesn't have a ton to do, but apparently for 1/4th the cost of Terrance Howard, it doesn't change the movie much. I do enjoy how they acknowledged the actor switch with the first appearance of Rhodes in the movie. War Machine (for the uninitiated, a slower more weapons heavy suit of Iron Man armor) isn't in the movie very much, but I like the action sequence he's involved in (especially his smart gun shoulder cannon).

Finally, whoever had the idea to put Scarlett Johannsen in a skintight black leather suit, I applaud you. Her character has some narrative purpose as well, to go with Sam Jackson effortlessly playing a cool, in control Nick Fury (I kind of wanted a line that said "a shark took my eye" but no dice).

So overall, Iron Man 2, a really fun, enjoyable, light hearted summer romp. Id give it a solid 6.5/10... worth watching, but nothing really outstanding.
