Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting Tangental with it

So I haven't seen any crazy ground breaking movies lately... Legion was decent, helped out by a capable supporting cast (love me some grumpy Dennis Quaid and Charles Dutton), but had some big logic plot holes and was poorly edited at times (also the 2 best moments were totally spoiled by the preview and Patrick favorite Doug Jones had about 1 minute of screen time). So like a solid 6/10

Daybreakers looked really cool if I hadn't seen the Matrix first (same sort of color filters), it was good to see Ethan Hawke and Sam Neill in lead roles, and also to have a vampire movie that actually used real vampire rules (these vamps weren't sparkly and twinkly in the sunlight). On the other hand, the pacing was slow at times and once again I had serious logic problems with some of the basic concepts... Super quickly, why aren't the sunlight proof car shields made of something sturdier than glass (not just for bullets, but like a rock hitting the windshield) and how is it that the super advanced vampires are so awful at planning out how their "farming" humans would work. Also a solid 6/10 for me...

My next Netflix movie is Descent 2... Now I really love the first Descent (its a easy 9/10) but I am sort of dreading a sequel. Most horror sequels are different levels of awful, especially recently (the Hills Have Eyes remake and the Tex Chainsaw Remake, I enjoyed both, but both sequels were just horrifically terrible).

Also the high up movies on my Netflix queue for those who care: The Road, Crazy Heart, Hurt Locker, Blind Side, Pirate Radio... So there are some entries for future movie reviews. However my next article is going to stray a long ways from movie reviews... Read on... if you dare

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